I have recently started using Hook to manage links between my documents, apps, and websites, and I am loving how it simplifies my workflow. Although, I am working on a large project with numerous files and resources across different tools (e.g., Word, Notion, and PDF readers) and it is becoming a bit overwhelming to manage all the Hook links.
Does anyone have tips or strategies for organizing and categorizing Hook links in a way that makes them easier to navigate? For example, do you group them by project, task, or file type? Or do you use specific naming conventions?
@bchend has a good suggestion to tag Hookmark bookmarks. I also find myself often making a Hookmark file, which is easy to store in a folder, or attach to a to-do item. (I have an automation in Keyboard Maestro that automatically puts any Hookmark file I make in Yoink, my favorite “shelf” app, so that it’s easy to move elsewhere.)
It’s rather simple/dull but fits my needs: I assigned ctrl+y to trickster, invoke it and drag the corresponding files to yoink or invoke instant send via launchbar, type yoink and add it via keyboard.
I have quickly crafted a short apple script together with chatgpt that creates a hookmark file of the currently selected item and saves it to a folder. Feel free to alter the path as you like.
Afterwards the file is opened with dropover, which I prefer over yoink, but also this can be changed easily. I run that script via keyboard maestro.
-- AppleScript: Hookmark Link erstellen und speichern und in Dropover öffnen
-- Prüfe, ob Hookmark installiert ist
tell application "System Events"
if not (exists application process "Hookmark") then
display alert "Hookmark nicht gefunden" message "Bitte installiere die Hookmark-App, bevor du dieses Skript ausführst."
end if
end tell
-- Hole die URL und den Namen der aktuellen Auswahl mit Hookmark
set currentHook to ""
set hookName to ""
tell application "Hookmark"
set theHook to bookmark from active window
set currentHook to theHook's address -- Abrufen der URL des Hooks
set hookName to theHook's name -- Abrufen des Namens des Hooks
end tell
on error errMsg
display alert "Fehler beim Abrufen von Hookmark-Daten" message errMsg
end try
-- Prüfe, ob ein Hook erstellt wurde
if currentHook is missing value or hookName is missing value then
display alert "Kein Hook erstellt" message "Es konnte kein Hookmark-Link für die aktuelle Auswahl erstellt werden."
end if
-- Speichere den Hook als Datei
set fileName to hookName & ".hookmark" -- Dateiname entspricht dem Namen des Eintrags
set savePath to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Documents/Hookmark/Hookmark Files/"
-- Überprüfe, ob der Ordner existiert, und erstelle ihn ggf.
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of savePath
set filePath to savePath & fileName
-- Schreibe den Hook in die Datei
set hookData to currentHook
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of hookData & " > " & quoted form of filePath
-- display notification "Hookmark-Datei wurde erfolgreich gespeichert." with title "Erfolg"
on error errMsg
display alert "Fehler beim Speichern" message errMsg
end try
-- Öffne die Datei mit Dropover nach einer kurzen Wartezeit
do shell script "sleep 0.2"
tell application "Dropover"
open POSIX file filePath
end tell