Wish list: create a Hook emoji

As I navigate through Evernote and Bear notes, Scrivener docs, files, etc it is not visually obvious which ones are Hooked and which ones are not.

Suggestion: create a Hook public emoji which I can insert into the title of those Evernote and Bear notes, Scrivener docs, and filenames

thank you Luc

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Hi, this requires some manual work but I have a String Substitution set up in Alfred (but you can use the default macOS feature for that too), that inserts the folder emoji.

I am using
::folder which outputs :file_folder:

Edit: but being able to use templates for markdown links would be nice

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I could see that also being useful for files created via Hook to New and Make Hook File.

And emails.
(Related: While weā€™re at it, Iā€™ve long wanted to add configuration rules for email links (and linked items, and .hook files), so people can specify if theyā€™d like to include the source, destination, and/or date in the email. We of course have to pace development to make sure Hook remains stable and meets various needs.)


Good idea! Until I reach the point of having everything hooked, identifying hooked items easily will be very useful so I donā€™t keep invoking Hook to see if Iā€™ve already created a link.

In my bibliographic software, Bookends, itā€™s important for me to know if I have the ebook or closely related material in Devonthink (my own writing, usually) so I hook to it (if itā€™s in Calibre; I so wish it was possible to hook to Kindle) and then use keyboard shortcuts to add a comment at the top of the notes. I have wondered about dedicating a user-defined field to this. Iā€™ve also started linking to entries for books I own, whether physical or ebook, in LibraryThing, so I can know (a) where I need to look for it, or (b) itā€™s a waste of time looking for it as I donā€™t have it. I couldnā€™t use the emoji idea there, of course, as it might be a bit of a problem if they appear in my bibliographies!

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