Hook with Brave Browser

Brave Browser is Google Chrome with the evil insides removed.
Since Brave is based on Chrome, adding Brave support to Hook was easy, and I’m happy I can now use my preferred browser with Hook!

Get Name

tell application "Brave Browser" to return title of active tab of front window

Get Address

tell application "Brave Browser" to return URL of active tab of front window
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Fantastic!! Thank you for sharing, @JohnAtl. We’ll give it a whirl and add the script for others to use.

Thanks again, @JohnAtl. We’ve uploaded the Brave Browser script on server so that the world can enjoy the same!

I’ve installed Brave on my own system. And I’ve set my LaunchBar Chrome-shortcuts to launch Brave instead. I’ll move Chrome to a virtual machine, as I use it only for very specific testing and related tasks.

We will add support for as many other established browsers as we can.

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Thanks for the tip. The same is true for the Vivaldi browser!