Hook now supports the Postbox email client

Today we added support for ​Postbox email client to Hook via Hook’s integration script service (integration script version 36). You can trigger an update via Gear menu or Hook > Preferences > Update tab. Version 36 has the Postbox update.

If you’re a Postbox user, we’d appreciate you letting us know of your experience with this.

This is now in Hook itself (build 2317) (as opposed to only via Hook’s ntegration service).

When I link to a Postbox email message, Hook thinks it is an Apple Mail message and tries to open it in Apple Mail.

Solution is to change return "email://" & messageId to return "x-postbox-message://" & messageId in the “Get Address” script.

a few problems with that approach are:

  1. your email links will not be shareable with others who use a different email client.
  2. you yourself wouldn’t easily be able to use the links in other email clients should you change later.
  3. your future possible iOS integration will be limited.

The approach we recommend is: in the Hook > Preferences > Favorite Apps tab, you can configure the default mail app. Hook will map hook://email links to the Selected app accordingly

Hook 2.2 (3973) Scripts 146 with postbox (Lower-case p in list - should be corrected) selected as email client opens Postbox app on macOS 13.6 High Sierra but only to whatever Postbox was already showing, with error “Unable to find application named ‘Postbox’ Number: 1”.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.
May I ask what’s your Postbox version? Also, Hook uses Postbox’s bundle id to access Postbox’s AppleScript dictionary. Could you please run the following script on Terminal and let us know the result?(Change “Postbox” if you have different name)

osascript -e 'id of app "Postbox"'

Based on this working for others, and the nature of the script, our developers’ best guess is this is a permissions issue. No Linkable Item in … – Hook

I use the latest versions of Hookmark (6017) and Postbox (7.0.60) and have the same problem as the gentleman above, namely when I hook an e-mail message (Hookmark says the link was copied successfully) and then paste the link to, for example, OmniFocus, what I get — instead of a proper Hookmark link — is hook://email/f17f7d67-d492-49fd-8de8-5f4c669047ec%40discourse.hookproductivity.com . All my accessibility settings for Hookmark in macOS Settings are set properly, and the e-mail client in Hookmark is correctly identified as Postbox.