Build 2317 of Hook Version 1.0-beta is now available

Hook Version 1.0-beta (build 2317) is now available for download via Hook’s download page.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the URLs that Hook pasted inside OmniFocus notes to be incorrect. (The links displayed in the Hook window itself were and remain correct.) (Issue 3366.)


  • Added a link (.webloc) file to Hook’s templates folder (~/Documents/Hooks/templates). The file points to the online documentation page on the subject on
  • Removed an exception handler. This may cause Hook to crash in situations where previously it would have continued. This crashing (if any) would be reported to Hook’s presence on DevMate (a development and distribution assistance platform for mac developers), which would enable us to isolate and resolve the issue. (Issue 3369).
  • Updated BusyCal script support. (Issue 3345.)
  • Improved integration with Ulysses app. (Issue 2172.)
  • Added support for Postbox email client. (Issue 3357.)


Visual Studio Code works with Hook (no update required). We invite feedback from Visual Studio Code developers. (Hook supports many apps “outside the box”. So we don’t normally list them in release notes).

Reminder: Hook integration with third party apps is often updated via Hook’s integration service before the entire app is updated.


Thank you to all users who reported issues through Hook Forum or other channels.