Evernote 10 Integration — workaround for Evernote pulling its AppleScript automation

Evernote pulled a stunt that was not appreciated by its Mac users when, in its transition to Evernote 10, it removed AppleScript support.This left its Mac users without local automation. We recommend Evernote users not upgrade to Evernote until Evernote restored automation, which they have not yet done.

So we have produced a UI script version of integration with Evernote. To help people with the transition away from Evernote (or in case they choose to stick with Evernote), here is an integration script that is meant to allow you to use the current version of Evernote (10.something) or the prior one.

Hook Pro users of Evernote can paste this script in Hook > Preferences > Script Editor > Evernote > Get Address. Or you can wait till we make it available to all Hook Updates licensees through Hook’s integration server.

Get Address:

use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

on urlDecode(input)
	tell current application's NSString to set urlString to stringWithString_(input)
	set theDecodedURL to urlString's stringByRemovingPercentEncoding -- 4 is NSUTF8StringEncoding
	return theDecodedURL as Unicode text
end urlDecode

set theURL to path to application id "com.evernote.Evernote"
set appBundle to current application's NSBundle's bundleWithURL:theURL
set shortVersionString to (appBundle's objectForInfoDictionaryKey:"CFBundleShortVersionString") as string

tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote"
	considering numeric strings
		set isLegacy to shortVersionString < "8"
	end considering
	if isLegacy then
		set theItemList to selection as list
		if (count of theItemList) is equal to 1 then
			set theItem to item 1 of theItemList
			return "[" & title of theItem & "](" & «class EV24» of theItem & ")"
		end if
	end if
end tell

set the clipboard to ""
delay 0.03
set theURL to ""
set theTitle to ""
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Evernote"
	click menu item "Copy App link" of menu 1 of menu item "Copy Internal link" of menu "Note" of menu bar 1
	delay 0.05
	repeat 50 times -- poll clipboard for ~2.5 seconds
			if (the clipboard) is not equal to "" then
				set theURL to the clipboard
				exit repeat
			end if
		end try
		delay 0.05
	end repeat
	set the clipboard to ""
	delay 0.03
	click menu item "Copy Web link" of menu 1 of menu item "Copy Internal link" of menu "Note" of menu bar 1
	delay 0.05
	repeat 50 times -- poll clipboard for ~2.5 seconds
			if (the clipboard) is not equal to "" then
				set theWebUrl to the clipboard
				exit repeat
			end if
		end try
		delay 0.05
	end repeat
end tell
if theWebUrl is not "" then
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"?title="}
	set theTitle to text item 2 of theWebUrl
	set theTitle to urlDecode(theTitle)
end if
return "[" & theTitle & "](" & theURL & ")"

In our tests this works fine. But wanted to give Evernote users an opportunity to test/comment on this before rolling out it more generally. Again, this should not affect prior users.

It is somewhat ironic that Evernote chose not to change the bundle ID of Evernote 10, even though it is basically a new app (without local automation). This irony caused us to use a bit of gymnastics in our AppleScript.

We hope that Evernote will provide proper local automation, whether AppleScript, x-callback-url, or other.


Thank you, working fine on the EN mac app :pinched_fingers:

Awaiting the :magic_wand: to reveal a solution for the Outlook app next

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This is awesome. Thanks a lot @LucB !

When will this be integrated in? It’s not difficult any more to get the internal link out of the new Evernote (ctr-cmd-opt-C), but the latest version of Evernote doesn’t seem to support it yet despite the script above.

Sorry about this issue, @CharlesWeir .

I just tried the latest Evernote with Hookmark 6.0.1 and it seems to be working fine.

What’s your system language and macOS version?

Thank you