Cardhop Integration

It would be fun if you could integrate Cardhop (here: I greatly prefer it over Contacts.


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I don’t use Cardhop, but in a similar vein I would find integration with BusyContacts very useful.

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Thanks to both. Integration with contact software is an important set of “use cases” for Hook. Hopefully they can be automated, we’ll check, per Integration – Hook.


BusyContacts has a identifier and URL scheme of sorts


but AppleScript support far grabbing that data appears to be non-existent. One would need to use GUI scripting to get the URL from the main menu command, which by default has no shortcut.

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We’ve added scripts for BusyContacts. They will show up in the next build and on server.

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the BusyContacts scripts are now on the server.

They are on the server. You need to restart Hook to see them in the Script Editor Preferences pane (that’s a bug which we will fix (related to the recent improvements to Update tab; it should auto update).

Please note: when doing Link to New > BusyContacts, if you do not populate the contact, it might be deleted. We will investigate this further.

If you encounter issues, please let us know.

Works fine for me. Thank you!

Doesn’t appear to work. Hook Version 1.1.2 (2595). BusyContacts version Version 1.3.5 (130500).

The hook shortcut and menu bar icon just show up briefly, and when repeatedly trying to do so, one can discern that Hook thinks, “No linkable items found in BusyContacts”

Works fine for me, same versions of Hook and BusyContracts. I can link to a contact card, and I can link to a tag, using Hook.

Going back to Cardhop integration. I see that Cardhop has a command (accessed via the context menu/right-click) “Copy Contact URL.” When copied and later invoked (tested via Launchbar’s “Open URL” command), this URL will open the contact card in Cardhop. Any chance of getting integration with Hook?

UI scripting is brittle. We’ve done some in the past but are doing it less of it. Please feel free to contact the Cardhop dev asking them to provide x-callback-url or the equivalent; it may help to explain to them that for it’s quite straightforward [we have seen that in other devs], and it makes the solution robust for everyone (it’s not just about Hook), while pointing to the the value of linkability and the long list of developers, including some in their space, who have implemented it. Having said that, we will soon introduce a general solution for those apps whose devs do not yet understand the importance of automating access to hyperlinks.

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Here’s something you can do as of Hook 3.2: Focus on Link in Clipboard – Hook. So, copy the CardHop link however you can, and feed it into Hook with Focus on Link in Clipboard.

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Somewhat related to this post - Using Hook with Fantastical by Flexibits - would it be possible to follow-up with Flexibits again since they also make Cardhop? Sorry if I missed any detail in this thread saying why this integration is not possible.

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