Build 2545 of Hook Version 1.0-beta is now available

Hook Version 1.0-beta (build 2545) is now available for download via Hook’s download page and Hook’s in-app update mechanism.


  • Although Hook is still in beta, the “Buy” widgets in Hook are now enabled and live. You can now purchase Hook. (See upcoming forum topic). Hook no longer has a fixed expiration date. Hook will downgrade to Lite within about a month of first launch of this or a subsequent build. License/purchase state notices are now enabled.
  • Support for nvALT in German.
  • Tweaked support for Agenda.
  • Some low-level changes.


  • Fixed formatting of expiration date on Update tab of Preferences window.
  • Fixed some crashers.

Script Server

Other recent Hook integration server updates announced here previously.

We tend to update integration scripts more often than the app itself. You can get these updates automatically.

FYI: Out of the box

If you happen to use Typora, Yojimbo, or Apple’s Screen Sharing app, then you might appreciate the fact that Hook works with them, right “out of the box”. Please feel free to let us know what apps you use Hook with that are not listed on our website.


Thank you to all users who reported issues, made recommendations, etc., through Hook Forum or other channels.