Benefits of using Hook with problem tracking systems (Bugzilla, Trac, Trello, etc.)

I’ve revamped the Track Issues More Productively with Hook web page. That documents some of the ways in which Hook can be helpful to people who regularly use issue tracking systems, like Bugzilla, Trello, Trac and Jira.

This is part of a collection of web pages on Hook’s benefits that I introduced in a previous topic. Screencasts to follow.

My Mac-enabled colleagues and I at CogSci Apps use Bugzilla and Hook together all the time.

If anyone has comments or questions about using Hook with bug trackers, please feel to chime in here. Or to start a new topic on using Hook with other web-based apps. (For instance, as much as I like the Discourse editor (it’s one of my favourite web-writing tools), I still prefer to draft long topics in BBEdit linked via Hook.)

Luc, I agree with you. I have just started using Hook and the first thing I wanted to do was connect it to my issue tracker. Todo lists are good – when you know what you want to do. Issue trackers help you manage situations where you know there is something you want to fix or improve, but you don’t yet know how.

This often begins with information – a bug report, a screenshot, an email, a folder of files. I want to manage this caseload of information alongside its ‘issue’.

The issue tracker I use is called Linear. It’s a very nicely designed application, with an interface that is usable to a wider audience than the traditional bug tracker.

There doesn’t seem to be any support for Linear in Hook at the moment. Can I put in a vote for that?

(I think a benefit in supporting less popular apps is that you may have more potential for marketing cross-promotion).

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@LucB I notice you didn’t mention GitHub.

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Looks like a very interesting product.

Thank you, @Buster, and Welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum !

Does it have automation for linking? E.g., an AppleScript API? If it’s not linkable, would you or any other Linear users be willing to contact them (here are some messaging tips ).

We haven’t looked at it yet. Looks like Linear has quite a good team, About – Linear . Shouldn’t be a problem for them to do it, at least technically it shouldn’t take them more than a day.

I’ve entered an internal issue for us to follow up on this.

Agreed. well worth mentioning!

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Luc, it is a web app and so does not have an AppleScript API. It does have a developer API based on GraphQL.

That seems good and bad – it is is flexible but it doesn’t give you URL-based access to the objects.

I’m not clear which party should write the shim to access documents through persistent URLs, as you document in your guide.

It does seem to me that this won’t be the last web app with a GraphQL interface that Hook users may wish to integrate.

If you haven’t contacted Linear already, I will email them and explain my use case and introduce them to Hook. I’ll point them to your documentation pages and make clear I have seen their API documents.

Thank you. I haven’t contacted them yet.
Web services really should provide users URLs for their data…
In the manifesto, we elevate this to a user’s rights.

We’ve all grown accustomed to requiring that software provide a way to export one’s data from it. Linkability is on the same plane in our opinion. Users can help developers recognize their rights by preferring software that respects them.


You’re quite right about ‘linkability’. And I’m only just realising the damage that is caused to this by moving away from REST and towards GraphQL. Your characterisation of ‘linkable data’ sounds like a more achievable version of ‘Linked Data’ – instead of obliging providers to conform to certain data standards, you are only asking for the most basic form of interoperability – an accessible data object.

With my marketing hat on again, I would say that this manifesto and these ideas are very interesting and provocative ones to throw into the conversations around Linked Data and GraphQL. And as an even greater digression, you are reminding me of the Data-Centric Manifesto, which also seems relevant.

To the point: I have written to Linear. I’ll report back.

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Thank you, @Buster ! Now I’ve add a hook between and :blush:

(In an upcoming version of Hook, users should be able to see a flat list of the entire network of linked items from the current node, and search it.)