Zotero 7 compatibility

I am able to work with invoking hookmark context window Shift + Command + space ( ctr +H would also work) t and then copying markdown link by shift+command+M in H6 or command+M in H5.

When I am trying to directly invoke copy markdown link with 'Shift+^+CMD+M` sometimes I am getting link to the item, but sometimes only link to the app

[Zotero Beta.app](hook://application/org.zotero.zotero-beta)

@adry26 chceck with invoking Hookmark window and then copying the link.

A few days ago the official version of zotero7 was released, I updated to zotero7 and installed the zotxt plugin, the version of hookmark is 6.3 and the script version is 333, but as shown in the picture, the hookmark does not work properly.

Sorry about this issue, @yuying .

We have udpated our script server with the fix. The script version is 336.

Please update your local script(Hookmark preferences window->Update->Check now).

After you update the script, please do the following:
(1)Install zotero-markdown-translator from GitHub - silentdot/zotero-markdown-translator: A simple Zotero translator that creates a Markdown Link when exporting
(2)In Zotero Settings->Export, make sure you have the following setting:

(3)Make sure the shortcut for Zotero Settings->Advanced->Shortcuts->Copy Selected items to clipboard is shift+command+C

Please let us know if you have any problem.

Thank you

Iā€™m trying to get this to work as well with Zotero 7.0.1. In Zotero, when looking at ā€œItem Formatā€ in settings, ā€œMarkdown Item from URIā€ does NOT exist in the list (went to bottom of list).

Just want to make sure, did you install zotero-markdown-translator?

If yes, could you please restar Zotero and see if it solves the problem?

Thank you

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Just so Iā€™m understandingā€¦ does this integration/script only link to the parent document, and not to a specific location (annotation) within Zotero?

Welcome to Hookmark forum, @fbonomo .

Yes, it is only works with the record item in the library.

If you know any extension that can help get the annotation link, please let us know.

Or if you can get the URL to an annotation, you can use Hookmarkā€™s ā€œFocus on Link in Clipboardā€ function under Gear button.

Thank you

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