When does the bookmark name listed in search results return itself as a search result?

I don’t understand why the bookmark name, as displayed in search results, does not generate itself as a result when pasted in the search window. How do I do this?

I have read the Search Help Page.

Consider an existing, located bookmark named:

"[Useful script to quote selected text and create markdown link - Share Hook automation - Hook Productivity Forum.scpt".

The initial "[" is my choice of prefix Hook adds to New Note filenames. .scpt files are the default Template for Hook To New

  1. If I paste the full name in the search window I get no results.
  2. If I paste any search which contains [ , - or . I get no results
  3. So, I get no result if I type .scpt but do if I type scpt. Ditto for link - Share and link Share
  4. If I type us I can select the bookmark from the results list.
  5. Name:[ does not work but Name: u does
  6. I can select from displayed results if I type us, use or useful, but no results are shown for u, usef or usefu

Hook’s search tool currently only works with alpha numeric characters. Search – Hook.

Improvements to Hook’s search are coming in the next release if all goes according to plan.

Hook’s search tool currently only works with alpha numeric characters. Search – Hook.

Yes I read that, but did not understand the results at Point 6:

  1. I can select from displayed results if I type us , use or useful , but no results are shown for u , usef or usefu

Hook currently requires near complete exact token matches. In spotlight searching for “foo” would match “foobar” too. Hook will have such search features in near future.

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Thanks. Looking forward to Search 2.0. I now understand an argument with this Help page quote :grinning:

Hook arguably contains the most precise search tool for macOS

To close this:

To find this name:
[Useful script to quote selected text and create markdown link - Share Hook automation - Hook Productivity Forum.scpt

I would paste this:
Useful script to quote selected text and create markdown link Share Hook automation Hook Productivity Forum

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