When clicking Hook first time after Mac startup, spinning ball

The title says it all. Hook isn’t hanging or crashed, but it takes about 3 to 6 minutes before the spinning ball turns into the Hook panel.

Also, regardless of which app I am in or web page I’m on, the Hook panel displays a whole list of rubbish links (bookmarks?) I certainly haven’t used for Hooking. An example is the website of the postal service that I often visit when a parcel arrives for tracking purposes, another is the item from Bear app called “title” followed by a callback link…

The list is very slow to appear as well and when it does, Hook’s CPU consumption jumps to 45%.

Regarding the unexpected bookmarks, even if you haven’t hooked two together, if you copy a Hook link it goes into the Hook database. Would you perhaps have done that, perhaps even inadvertently with the keyboard shortcut?

Possibly, yes. It’s unusable like this. I’ll remove the app and start over again.

You could try exporting your database then importing it (turn off sync first, then turn on again after).

Thanks, but I’ve already removed it altogether.
Thanks anyway.

Are you using a pre-Big Sur version of Timing.app? It had an AppleScript issue that interacted with Hook.

Hi Luc, I’m not using Timing at all.

Hi Erik, i faced the same behaviour of Hook in the past. I found out, if i use an iCloud-sync folder for my hooks folder with bookmarks, i ran in to this wrong behaviour from hook. Since i use a local folder for storing hook files it’s working fantastic. Maybe that could solve your problem :crossed_fingers: LG Wolfgang

Hi Wolfgang,

Thank you for the suggestion, but I’m not using an iCloud synced folder — I don’t sync folders at all — so in my case it must be something else causing this behaviour. Maybe it’s just my slow machine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.