What to send a developer to encourage them to support deep linking? (Foxit PDF)

I’m using Foxit PDF reader because it’s tab support is faster than other readers I’ve found.

Maybe you know of another PDF reader that can have 10 tabs open and not slow down on a 2015 Mac?

In the meantime, what can I send to Foxit to introduce them to what they need to do to enable Hook support?

Thanks for asking, @Cell5TL . We have:

Contacting Developers of Other Apps and Information for Developers – Hookmark and

which points to the page they will want to read: Information for Developers to Make Their Apps Linkable (API Requirements for Compatibility with Hookmark) – Hookmark.

also, if they have a voting page for the feature request, or other coordinates, please feel free to share it here in case anyone else wants to use Foxit.

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