Using Hookmark to glue together my custom PKM

I am currently experimenting with using Quarto for storing all my notes. My current workflow is for a project to be in 3-4 places:

  • a dedicated folder for materials related to the project in an exclusive way
  • a folder inside my Quarto repo
  • a page on Notion
  • (optional) a folder in Arc

The dedicated folder has a subfolder called hooks where I just hook-to-new things like email threads and such that are relevant to the project. Also most project folders have three standard hooks in this folder: one to the notion page, and one each to the corresponding Quarto page (source and rendered HTML).

Apart from my projects folder, I also have an objects folder for storing reference material. That’s also mirrored in the Quarto repo, and there is a note per object. I use the YAML properties to link reference material to projects whenever applicable.

Inside Quarto, I have a “hook” property whose value is set to the hookmark of that qmd file. Whenever I am viewing a rendered HTML page, it’s easy for me to go back to the source QMD file thanks to this link.

All this is to say that hookmark links are turning out to be a really useful way to hold this system together. I wrote about this a little more here.


Thanks for sharing. I don’t use hook to new enough. In general, I forget to use it, but it can be used for everything.
For example, I didn’t think to put the hook files folder inside the obsidian vault until I read this. That would encourage rediscoverability.

We need more posts like yours with more examples

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