Using Hazel to set color labels on files with hook links

Not sure whether something like this idea has been posted elsewhere on the forum, but I tried using Hazel to label files with Hook links (tagged Hook) with a color label in Finder. Here’s what the rule looks like:

It works well to show at a glance which files have Hook links.


How are you monitering hooked files with hazel? Great idea, missing something here…

When I create a Hook link, I noticed in the macOS Finder info that a tag named “Hook” is added to the file. So the Hazel rule looks for files with this tag and then gives them a color label, to make it noticeable which ones have links attached.

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What folder are you monitoring with Hazel?

~/Documents, and, actually, I found that it wasn’t hitting all the subfolders/files until I added an additional action in Hazel, which was Run Rules on Folder Contents. I updated the screenshot above.

No joy with this. Where does this “label” appear?

Just to note if you right-click on a tag in the Finder sidebar, you can assign a colour to it: so I have the ‘Hook’ tag coloured purple and can therefore see any file that’s been hooked.


You need to enable the option in Hook’s preferences.


Thank you for that great tip re the sidebar. I didn’t know about that option in Finder till today.

You could also use the built in ability to add a colour to a tag and it happen with out Hazel.

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I find this works only if I have two Hazel rules


Over here, combining both rules in one does not succeed.

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As already pointed out, setting a global colour is best handled in Finder. However, if you want the colour to be different depending on which folder the hooked file is in, then Hazel is a great option.

I use Hazel to rename the hook tag to :infinity: which takes less space and feels more ‘hooky’. @LucB Perhaps you can make it an option to set this as default?


I just created a Finder Smart folder for Hook, using the Finder tag referenced by martinewski. What does Hazel bring to the party?

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