today I was asked by hookmark, whether I wanted to update my App to the latest version, no more information given.
Once I had updated Hookmark, I got a notfication that I had the choice to be downgraded from Pro to standard licence or to pay for sn Update.
Just to be clear, I bought a permanent Pro license (incl. one or two years of updates).
Had I known that the update license ran out, I wouldn’t have updated.
And there was no informtion, no link, nothing, how I could roll back to the previous version and get back my Pro status.
I consider that very poor business practice, and I am deeply disappointed by your company!!
I really like Hookmark, great job by the developpers (big thank you!!) but whoever is responsible for the licensing: sad!
Best regards, and keep up the good work with the APP development,
It is not our intenstion to trick the user. We understand your pain. The newer version of Hookmark should have better mechanism to avoid this situation. You can revert to previous version here:
Please check your license update expiration date in Hookmark about window and choose a release that was just released before that date.
All this happened when updating to v. 6.5, , i.e., the last version, so there is still no mechanism to warn your customers.
In the meantime, I had looked up my update license date and had reverse-guessed the previous version and its download link that you now kindly provide.
Really not customer friendly!
But apology accepted.