Totally confused about Hook to New despite having read the documentation

Totally confused about Hook to New


  • I mention this because it may be useful to compose your answer
  • my understanding of computing is at least intermediate. I have written about 500 keyboard maestro macros and can make simple editions to apple scripts
  • I read your documentation many times and have done a lot of testing
  • using Hook 1.8 (3439) Catalina 10.15.6

Basic example: using Hook to New with Bear Notes (set as default)

Let’s assume that I start in Finder → select a file → Hook to New Bear. Every time I go through the process I create a NEW Bear note whose title it name of the Finder file. If I call up Hook in the Bear note, I see a link to the Finder file


  • in terms of workflow of what practical use is this ? Like most people, in terms of workflow, I usually create a Bear note (a task or small project I am working on) which is the frontmost Bear window, then navigate to Pathfinder, browsers, Evernote, Scrivener etc with the intention of “Hook to new Bear” all those items to that specific frontmost Bear note. What am I supposed to do with an amalgam of Bear notes with titles representing the name of the front window of the many items from different apps I was in, each associated with a Hook link ?

  • it would be nice if Hook offered the option to additionally paste the link into the frontmost Bear window (in addition to creating the Hook link) . I think that most users would like to actually see the links written without having to call up Hook.

  • 1-2 years from now, all my hooking will be forgotten. Is there any kind of central searchable database where I can trace back meshes of links I created. If not I think that the option to paste link suggested above becomes essential.

Hook to new → Scrivener

I added a Scrivener (hook.scriv file - called Project) to custom templates because I work in Scrivener a lot.

There are 2 problems:

  • When I hook to new, Scrivener appears in the list and I can change the default hook to new to Scrivener, but every time I hook an item to Scrivener (for example a file), Hook creates an entirely new Scrivener PROJECT (not simply a document) and gives that Project the name of the item being linked, which does not make sense. It should at least be a document within the Hook.scriv file/project, but ideally a document in the frontmost Scrivener window. It’s as if you created a new Evernote or Bear USER with the frontmost hooked window name every time you hook to new → Bear or Evernote and created a new directory every time you hook to new MSword file.

  • If I hook to new a Finder file to Scrivener, and call up Hook in Finder, I see the Scrivener link, but if I call up Hook in Scrivener the Finder file does not appear (backlink Scrivener→ Finder is missing)

thank you very much Luc

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