Tip: Use Hook with Discourse (or any other web service)

When you are drafting a new Discourse topic or a response — or inputting any information on a form on the web for that matter (even Twitter! blogging, etc.) — you can

  1. invoke Hook
  2. ⌘ N ( “Link to New”)

and draft your response in your favorite editor (markdown, or whatever). That way if you quit the web browser, your work will still be saved. And that lets you use your favorite editor (BBEdit, Bear, etc.) instead of being constrained by the web app’s editor (though Discourse’s is pretty good).

After you’ve posted, you can then use Hook to link your text file to the new post (or not, you don’t have to)

Also, you can link the topic (address, URL) to anything else: e,.g., to a web page containing related information.

Many other uses of Hook. See our use cases in Help documentation. Use Cases – Hook

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Clever :slight_smile: