Spark hook in iOS

I understand there is some development of Hook with iOS, though not sure exactly what is coming/ or when. At this time, creating a hook link in Spark mail works fine on Mac. However, if I try to open that link in iOS, I get an error that Spark cannot find that email…. Of note, if I use the native “create link” command in Spark itself, that link opens fine in both Mac and iOS…. Any help/ thoughts appreciated.

Haven’t tried that. I don’t see that Hook for iOS would make a difference to opening those links. I’m assuming that the links you’re getting use the spark URL format.

can you share two links here: one from whatever Hook-Spark integration you’re using, the other if you generate it with the UI yourself.

The code for getting URLs to Spark emails uses UI scripting, so if it should normally be same as what the UI does. It looks like this:

tell application "Spark"
    if HasSelectedMessage then
        set theTitle to GetSelectedMessageTitle
        set theUrl to GetSelectedMessageBacklink
        return "[" & theTitle & "](" & theUrl & ")"
    end if
end tell

UI scripting is not always reliable.

Thanks much Luc… yes I checked that the script is the same as the one in the “Get Address” field (there is nothing in the other fields).

Here is URL from native Spark app:

Here is Hook URL for the same email:

On iOS I get an error message “Oops… Spark couldn’t open this link.”

The links DO look the same… Of course, Hook’s link appears with the subject of the email, whereas when pasting the native link to Omnifocus, for example, it shows the whole long link…

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Actually, I just did some additional testing, and the iOS issue appears to be with Evernote…it IS opening in Spark on iOS (when opening link in Omnifocus, though it renders in iOS Omnifocus showing both subject and long url, unlike Omnifocus on Mac, which nicely just shows the subject to click on, not the whole url).

It appears Evernote is not playing nicely here, which sadly, is not completely surprising (I’m using the latest v10 of Evernote). I know Hook works overall much better with apps like DevonThink, but Evernote still works for me and I use it a lot…

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Thanks for clarifying, @epetrack . So if I understand correctly , since the URLs are the same whether you get them via Hook or directly via Spark, the issue isn’t with Hook.

You could for instance paste the Hook-garnered link in Apple Notes, and they would work fine. Right?

Thanks Luc, and correct, this is clearly an Evernote issue… just tried pasting Hook link in Apple Notes, and opens fine in Spark on both Mac and iOS… As mentioned, this is the sort of thing that makes me consider (again) switching to DevonThink, but the more free structure of Evernote has just worked better… will need to think about this workflow once again…

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Mac Power Users shows and their discourse forum are good resources on Evernote vs. DEVONthink vs. others. Getting data out of Evernote is not easy (unless things have changed).