Simple UI improvement - menu bar colour

Please keep the menu item in black and white and only colour it when there’s a pre-linked item count to display.
The question mark doesn’t need to be purple IMHO.

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Simple improvement idea 2:

Bring back the UI flash when the link is copied to the clipboard with copy/paste. That flash of feedback is reassuring to know that it’s worked when current has a paste bug with firefox.

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Personally, I like the splash of color with the “question Mark” - brightens a drab monochrome menu bar.

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Well, keep it colour all the time then.

My point is about highlighting a change or not.

For me, how pretty something is, is less important than if it works well. For me, I find changes in colour that serve no purpose distracting.

If you like the colour, you need to say how that’s helping you in some way