If you’re like me and use RemNote for notes and knowledge management, here’s a script I just wrote that will let you hook Rems. To use it, do the following:
- Open Hookmark preferences
- Go to the Scripts section
- Add RemNote to the list of apps on the left
- With RemNote selected in the list of apps on the left, go to the “Get Address” tab
- Paste the following script:
tell application "System Events" to tell process "RemNote"
set theDelay to 0.1
delay theDelay -- Wait until the Hookmark hotkey is fully released
-- Copy the Rem
keystroke "c" using {command down}
delay theDelay -- Wait for the clipboard to update
-- Get the copied title from the clipboard
set theTitle to the clipboard
-- Copy the deeplink
keystroke "r" using {shift down, option down}
delay theDelay -- Wait for the clipboard to update
-- Get the copied URL from the clipboard
set theUrl to the clipboard
-- Format and return the markdown link
return "[" & theTitle & "](" & theUrl & ")"
end tell
You can fiddle with it as needed, but this version will create a hook using the text of the Rem as the title and the deeplink to open it in the desktop app as the URL. I saw at least one person asking about this a while ago, so hopefully people will find it helpful.