"Scientific work with Craft How @HookProductvT interconnects @craftdocsapp and Skim to support your research with an efficient workflow."

Relevant to #Craft , #Skim and Bookends users: Alexander Rink (@rcvd_io) / Twitter on Twitter provides a Showcase of “Scientific work with Craft How Hook interconnects Craft and Skim to support your research with an efficient workflow.”

which links to goedel.io Scientific work with Craft - by Alexander Rink - Gödel’s , including Craft, Hook and Skim - A modern way for PDF annotations - YouTube .

We invite users to share their showcases.

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Thanks for sharing. I recently switched to Craft because Obsidian does not allow for robust linking outside of it. Therefore I’m looking for better/new “scientific workflows”, so for me the link was fitting.

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