Pasting formatted links in Tana

A customer asked:

There are two items in the drop-down menu, ‘Copy Link’ and ‘Copy Markdown Link,’ but I need to copy the HTML link so that I can paste it to Apps which don’t support Markdown, such as Tana. Please tell me how to do this.

I’ll answer here for others and discussion. Maybe Tana users know of other modes of Tana. I’m not using it much.

Normally, a user can simply use Hookmark’s Copy Link command and paste in the target app. Hookmark puts several variants of the link in the clipboard. The target app, such as Pages, will normally take the correct one.

I tried Copy Link and pasted in Tana (in safari and chrome). Tana ignored the name of the link, it simply pasted the URL. Sure, it treats the URL as a link, but that’s not what we expect. If we wanted a plain URL we would have pasted a plain text URL.

Some web apps, like this forum (sourced from, accept Markdown. In my test Tana didn’t interpret the Markdown. So if you Copy Markdown Link on this website you’ll get this: [Pasting formatted links in Tana - Discussion & Help - Hookmark Forum]( You will see the entire URL. Sure, the URL in Tana is clickable.

Maybe one day Tana developers will add a preview mode where Markdown links are rendered ( 1writer and nvUltra have this feature). Discourse accepts Markdown links (as long as the URL has a web scheme).

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