Optimizing Hook with DEVONthink, OmniFocus, and Evernote

Hello everyone,

I recently jumped on the Hook train to streamline my workflow, and let me tell you, I’m blown away by its potential. However, I’m hitting a snag when it comes to integrating Hook seamlessly with my existing productivity squad – DEVONthink, OmniFocus, and Evernote.

Here’s a breakdown of my setup and what I’m hoping to achieve:

1. My Productivity Playground:

  • OS: Mac Maestro 10.13
  • Tools: DEVONthink, OmniFocus, Evernote, Microsoft Office
  • Browsers: Safari & Chrome

2. My Hook Dreams:

  • Information Junction: I envision a connected world where all my documents, notes, and tasks are effortlessly linked through the magic of Hook.
  • Automation on Autopilot: Switching between apps and manually creating links is a time-suck. I’m on the hunt for ways to automate this as much as possible.
  • Platform Harmony: I need my links and references to work flawlessly across my Mac, and ideally, on iOS or Windows too (bonus points!).
  • Calling on the Hook Whisperers:

As a Hook newbie, I’m eager to learn from the best. Here are some burning questions I have:

Integration Insights: What are the gold standard practices for integrating Hook with DEVONthink, OmniFocus, and Evernote? Any battle-tested workflows or hidden gems you can share?

Automating the Grind: Are there secret scripts or methods to automate link creation between these tools? Spill the beans on streamlining this process!

Project Powerhouse: For my fellow project management ninjas, how do you leverage Hook to keep large projects organized? What strategies ensure easy access to all that crucial information?

Platform Portability: How can I guarantee that my meticulously crafted links work seamlessly across different platforms and devices?

Looking for Your Expertise:

I am also checked this resources/article :point_right: Using Hookmark with DEVONthink by DEVONtechnologies – Hookmark what is salesforce cpq as per them I need to simplify my queries to reduce their complexity, or wait for the budget to reset before retrying the query​. and If you have Any advice or shared experiences from seasoned Hook users would be a lifesaver! Are there any community resources, tutorials, or blog posts you recommend to delve deeper into Hook’s integration superpowers?