No linkable item found in Notes on Ventura

if I try to Hook a note on Apple Notes I get this message: No linkable item found in Notes.

I already have enabled the Accessibility and Automation options in the settings of my Mac.

It happens when I have highlighted the note card, but also if I highlight a text in a note or I have the cursor inside a note but no text highlighted.

How do I fix it?

Welcome to the Hookmark Forum , @IvanPsy.

This issue was addressed in version 238 of Hookmark’s integration scripts which were published alongside Ventura’s release. Have you updated? Have you updated? Cf. and/or #mymhupdates

Otherwise: No Linkable Item in … – Hookmark.

Thank you for your reply.

I run the Version 4.0.1 (5010; Integration v. 239), for SetApp.

Now I’ve discovered I can Hook a note if I take it on a separate windows before.

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