New screencast on using Hook to create, file, link and access notes

New screencast on using Hook to create, file, link and access notes

On my CogZest youtube channel, I published a screencast on Using Hook (productivity app) to instantly create, file, LINK and access your notes.

This video explains why many people take far fewer notes about what they read (or hear/view) than they should (or at least could). It shows how to remedy the situation using Hook (productivity) app. In the context of any any web page, file, or other resource use Hook to create a linked-note in the app of your choice, as follows:

  • Invoke the Hook window (using ⌘⇧SPACE, or Hook’s menubar icon), and
  • select ⌘ N to link to a new note (or choose a specific app to take notes with)

Hook then instantly creates the note, files it, (optionally) tags it, and links the note to the source. Thereafter, you can use Hook to instantly navigate back and forth between the source and the note.

Hook can also store notes in Evernote, DEVONthink, and EagleFiler.

The video also explains the value of creating topical notes that you link to multiple sources. For instance, if you quickly need to learn about insomnia, create a note about it, and use Hook to link the note to any interesting web page, PDF, or other source on insomnia.

For more information on note-taking with Hook, see Create notes in the app of your choice with Hook.

Beyond learning benefits, I’m finding the notes feature really useful to track my past. For example, my employer’s compulsory training material is very disparate (policy webpages, policy documents, web videos, VLE courses) and self referential. It’s easy to go in circles rereading the same documents because you’re not sure if you read it before or if it’s a different document with a similar name (was it the PDF conflict of interest relating to recruitment policy I remember reading or was that the webpage which contains different information on the same topic?). So I add notes of when I last read/watched/completed each thing.