Multiple Options Sub-Menu for "Copy as Link"

I had this idea while reading the Curio Blog Post and creating the Keyboard Maestro Integration Scripts.

In certain apps, I’d like to link to different things in the application. For example, with Keyboard Maestro, I would like a sub-menu with multiple options when I use the “Copy as Link” shortcut:

  • A link to edit the selected macro (keyboardmaestro://m=<MACRO UUID>)
  • A link to edit the selected macro group (keyboardmaestro://m=<MACRO GROUP UUID>)
  • A link to edit the selected macro action (needs scripting)
  • A link to trigger the selected macro (kmtrigger://macro=<MACRO UUID>)

Adding the option to always use a default option would enable the user to copy the link they typically use without navigating the sub-menu, but possibly have another shortcut (like ⌘⇧C) to access the sub-menu.

For Curio, this might look like:

  • A link to the selected Curio document
  • A link to a specfic item in the Curio document
  • A link to a specific section in a PDF in the Curio document

I don’t actually use Curio so I’m not as confident about how the url schemes work, but it’s just for additional ideas.