Mimestream is Hookmark’s Partner of the Month of March

Mimestream + Hookmark = email bliss.

Mimestream and CogSci Apps both received lots of requests for Mimestream and Hookmark to play well together. So Mimestream’s CEO, Neil Jhaveri, and I worked together to make it happen.

Mimestream 1.3 and Hookmark 6.1, both released last week, add linking interoperability. That means Mimestream is now a linkable app, conforming to the Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking. So we are delighted to announce that Mimestream is Hookmark’s Partner of the Month of March.


Mimestream is a native macOS email client for Gmail:

Made for Mac. Optimized for Gmail.
Mimestream combines the power of macOS with Gmail’s advanced features for a new kind of email client that lets you move through your email effortlessly.

Read Why Adam Engst, TidBITS owner, Uses Mimestream for Gmail .

Get a discount on Mimestream :blush:

For a limited time, use coupon code Hookmark to get 30% off your first year subscription to Mimestream!

Typical applications of email linking

There are many benefits to linking emails. Here are some typical uses:

  • copying a link to an email and pasting it in a todo list or todo app (like OmniFocus, or Things);
  • saving an email attachment somewhere and hooking the email and attachment together for easy future access of one given the other;
  • hooking an email to a document draft (e.g., an email from an editor, co-author or reviewer);
  • hooking an email to a new document or object (e.g., in DEVONthink or Obsidian) to take notes about it;

and there are many more.

Learn more

To learn more about the integration, check out Using Hookmark with Mimestream.

Sharing, sharing, sharing

Please share the news on social media and to your colleagues, friends and family who might benefit from saner email.

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Here’s a video How to Get more out Mimestream, AirMail and Mail app: