Make hook link to omnioutliner current row

Get Address:

tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner5"
	set oouid to id of selected row of front document
	get "omnioutliner:///open?row=" & oouid
end tell

Get Name:

tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner5"
	get name of selected row of front document
end tell

Of course it works like a normal omnioutliner unique ID link, which is that the link will not work unless the file is opened.


Thank you so much for sharing the script, @weuu !

Excuse my basic question but do I have to edit the two built-in script that are now in Hook and substitute then with these scripts? Or is there some other way to add these scripts without deleting the built ones?

You would be overriding rather than deleting the scripts. You can always revert to the built-in script included by CogSci Apps in Hook. To delete the override, just press “-” in the bottom left of Hook’s Scripts Tab.

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Thanks a lot, it works! The way I use Omnioutliner I was searching exactly for this feature so many thanks to @weuu the shared the script!!!