Mailplane integration scripts

Mailplane is my preferred client for G Suite’s Gmail, Calendar and Contacts.

After recently discovering Hook, and some initial experimentation, I have hacked together integration scripts for use of Mailplane’s email. Because Gmail is the only portion of the app available to scripting, this does NOT work for Calendar events nor for Contacts.

What IS pleasing, is that Mailplane’s organization is such that the URL generated by their currentURL and currentTitle have made it quite simple to establish Hook linkages to any email in any of my different Gmail accounts, and that is worth a lot to me.

This is still a work-in-progress. Please note that in order to create a Hook linkage from Mailplane, the email (or email thread) of choice must be in the front window.

Note: Open Item requires no script, since the URL returned by the Get Address script is handled natively by macOS.

Get Name

tell application "Mailplane"
	set meg to currentTitle
	return meg
end tell

Get Address

tell application "Mailplane"
	set meg to currentURL
	return meg
end tell

Excellent. Thanks. I’m trying Hook for the first time today and I was concerned that Mailplane was going to be a major sticking point for me.

Thanks @rhm2k! Mailplane is a big part of my daily work and I’m happy to see these scripts here.

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