MacJournal alert

As of version 1.3.3, Hook should link to MacJournal entries. I am finding this works fine with unlocked journals, but if I try to follow a Hook link to a locked journal I get the following error: “MacJournal got an error: The id parameter is missing for identify item.” What I’d like to happen in this case is for MacJ to put up a dialogue requesting the password. I suspect this is down to the dev of MacJournal rather than Hook, but does anyone have any experience of resolving this issue?

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To reply to my own question, it appears that there is no solution to this problem. When following a link back to an entry in a journal that is locked, the target effectively does not exist, and even for MacJournal to identify the journal would be a breach of security. It is true that the alert could be more informative (You may be trying to follow a link to a journal that is locked) but I’m not sure if the content of the alert that Hook triggers is under the control of Hook, MacJournal or the system.

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I agree, this does not seem to be in Hook’s purview. Hook relies on UI scripting for that app (not a truly linkable app) so there’s no way for Hook to trigger the dialog box interaction.