Looking for Guidance on Improving Hookmark Integration with Evernote and OmniFocus

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

Since I’ve been utilising Hook for several months, my workflow and productivity have risen significantly. It’s mostly used by me to link tasks, notes, and documents among various apps. But I want to make much more use of Hook in conjunction with OmniFocus and Evernote, two of my most important productivity tools.

I currently use OmniFocus to manage tasks and assignments and Evernote to take notes, summarise meetings, and save research materials. When performing tasks in OmniFocus, I frequently find that I need to consult certain notes, and vice versa. Although Hook already makes it simpler to link various apps together, there must be more effective ways to combine them together effortlessly.

I have the following specific queries:

Guidelines for Linking: How should linkages between Evernote notes and OmniFocus tasks be created and maintained? Are there any tricks or quick cuts that could make this procedure go more quickly? :thinking:

Automating Procedures: Has anyone used Hook to successfully automate the process of integrating OmniFocus and Evernote? If yes, could you describe your methodology and any helpful scripts you’ve come across? :thinking:

Managing Huge Link Volumes: The quantity of links in my projects increases together with their size. In order to keep a big number of Hook links manageable and prevent them from becoming overwhelming, how do you organise and manage them? :thinking:

Extra Integration Advice: In order to increase productivity even more, are there any other programmes or devices that you’ve discovered work especially well using Hook, OmniFocus, and Evernote? :thinking:

I checked this for reference :point_right: https://discourse.omnigroup.com/t/evernote-links-in-omnifocus/minitab

I would be very grateful for any information, resources, or experiences you could provide. Anticipating feedback from the community & discovering how to optimise Hook using OmniFocus and Evernote!

Thank you :pray: in advance.

Welcome to the Hookmark Forum , Jesica.


  • When there are lots of links hooked to a given item, you can use the Find (⌘F) command to narrow down the list.
  • Hookmark supports tagging links (^T). There’s also a bookmark window (⌥⌘F) with a tags view.