Thanks for asking, Katie.
@RobTrew provided this example last year TaskPaper 3 example :: links preserving filter state - #5 by RobTrew which then links to his post on TaskPaper forum Script :: Create and copy a bookmark to the selected item - TaskPaper - Hog Bay Software Support, which in turn links to the Keyboard Maestro forum.
I don’t find myself linking deeply to TaskPaper files yet (when needed, I still use unique IDs). However, as I said recently we’re very interested in systematic deep linking. And I’ve linked Rob’s the TaskPaper topics to our internal Deep Linking project issue.
Yes, Hook’s Copy Link
works on OmniFocus projects and tasks.
And you too . (Here in British Columbia things have been relatively good health wise. Good fortune and good government. Knocking on wood, of which there is plenty in this province, we’re cutting less of it down these days