Kindle deep linking in Hookmark integration v. 261 adds support for deep linking

I have : “Version: 1.40.0 (65481) Last Updated 1/15/2021 12:18 PM”. weird they have different dates

Fantastic news! The fastidious uninstall/reinstall fixed the problem completely!

I made three new links from different books that I just downloaded. They all deep-linked to the correct book+correct passage, whether Kindle was running or not. The ASINs, of course, are now generating properly:


The Kindle version is the same:


FYI, I used Hazel’s App sweep to clear out some of the Kindle support files. But I found a bunch more with HoudahSpot and killed those manually . Then I rebooted and started from scratch.

So thrilled that this is working now! Thanks, guys!

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Fantastic news, indeed! I am so glad it works for you.

Thank you so much for all your effort!

Something strange. I am unable to set up the MacKindle integration. Hookmark creates a link, but when I open it what I get is another text in Kindle. I am confused about what is going on so I am not being clear. I hope someone can guide me. I am using HookVersion 5.0.2 beta (5332; Integration v. 268

This is the link that opens an entirely different book: Atlas of AI

This is the version of Kindle I have:

could you please use quotes `` to include that link. I tested with same version; works fine for me.

I imagine you have two books with the same ID. Could you please copy a link to each book and paste it here (in quotes).

I am more puzzled. This morning I tried to link both items in my Kindle, but in both cases Hookmark reported that there was no linkable item. I must have done something wrong when I (yesterday) tried to set up the Kindle integration.

Is there a guide for connecting Kindle and Hookmark? I will try to set it up again and see if that solves the problem.

Thanks so much for your help.


This is what I see when I try to enable Kindle script on Hookmark.

and this when I try to link

And this link exists in Hookmark.

But it opens this:

I see you have overridden our Kindle script? was that deliberate? If not you may wish to hit the delete button on that script, and then you will get our script. It’s actually built in, so you won’t see an entry for it. We may change that visibility later.

having said that, our Kindle scripts only control the Get Address part. The “open” part is handled directly by Kindle app. Hookmark is not proxy to the opening of kindle:// URLs.

I did not deliberately or knowingly override the script. Not sure what you mean by hit the delete button.

I reset Hookmark to defaults and then created links as follows;

Atlas of AI

“Covariant Physics](kindle://book/?action=open&asin=B08Y5DVT62&location=318)”

These links both open in Kindle to the Covariant Physics book.

But after having created these two links above, now Hookmark again returns the no linkable item error message for all Kindle books. I can use Hookmark to make links to Calibre, not Kindle.

Atlas of AI

“Atlas of AI](kindle://book/?action=open&asin=B08Y5DVT62&location=330)”

Sorry, here is that full link.

There is a “-” button at the bottom left of the left column in Script Editor pane (your screenshot).

Thanks so much, works fine now. I was pretty dense about this – sorry!

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Hi Luc

I am not seeing the kindle integration



Has it been removed?


Thanks, Tom. It’s there but it’s not displayed. It only works with the classic Kindle, not the new electron version which does not have an API unfortunately.

I’ve been hanging on to the old kindle classic app for mac, just so I could use hookmark deeplinks, but amazon won’t let me download any new books to the classic app, so I’m stuck!
Are there any current or imminent work arounds for deeplinking with the new kindle app?
Also, will I loose my existing deep links too, if I install the new Kindle app?
Thanks Felicity

Sorry there is no work arounds yet.

They would not appear on new Kindle app. But they are still in the database. So if you switch to old Kindle app, they will reappear.

you can find the bookmarks in the Bookmarks window. Search for kindle.