Issues with Hook and MindNode

I had previously Hooked from a Omnifocus item to a new MindNode map. Today when I went to summon Hook and retrieve the MindNode file from my Omnifocus link, the map was blank. There’s a file in my Hook > notes folder with the correct file name, but opening it creates a blank Mind Map in MindNode.

While investigating, I noticed a couple of things that do not seem right. My scripts list in preferences, for example, does not have an entry for MindNode at all. Additionally, the files created from Hook use the “itmz” file extension, the native format is .mindnode though I believe the app supports itmz.

Does anyone have any insight into what might be going on here?

Quick update: After digging around my Mac, I found a file with the native .mindnode extension that may be the map I worked on after linking. I may have renamed and relocated the file after creating via Hook, but the app may have duplicated the file and saved as the native extension during that process. On a related note, would there be a way to set up a Hook script for Mindnode that uses the .mindnode extension?

Hook can integrate with an app in one of 3 ways:

  1. The app may work with Hook “out of the box”, meaning that CogSci Apps did not need to create any custom scripts for them. In that case, you will not see an entry in Hook’s Preferences window > Scripts tab.
  2. Hook may have have an “integration script” for the app , from CogSci Apps: in Hook itself or obtained through Hook’s integration script server. You will see those scripts in Hook’s Preferences window > Scripts tab. (If a script is dynamically obtained through the server, it will normally be included in the next public build of Hook. The script server is a way for CogSci Apps to rapidly deploy new/improved scripts without users needing to download/update the app itself.)
  3. Users can create custom scripts for any app. If they exist, they will override the built-in script.

(That’s technically 4 ways if you consider the 2 variants of #2). (We are considering allowing multiple integration script bundles to be associated with any app.)

Mind node fits in Category #1.

On the Linkable Mac Apps – Hook page, we write:

MindNode: √👍 (to entire documents)

“to entire documents” means that Hook does not currently link to nodes within MindNode docs. I.e., no deep links there yet. (Contrary to Curio and some other apps where the deep-link integration is provided. We have commented on that in the past and will say more on that later).

Moreover, I notice that the Hook to New menu does not include Mind Node. That means we have not included a template for MindNode. I will add an issue report for that internally.

Meanwhile, Hook is highly customizable. In particular, templates can be added in Hook’s templates folder, which is normally here: hook://file/Omc7xPiyI?p=RG9jdW1lbnRzL0hvb2s=&n=templates (~/Documents/templates). You can add a mindnode template in the custom templates folder there.

I’ve done a test here, adding a “test.mindnode” file in that folder and it does work.

I think the above answers that question.

If a file is duplicated, the original links will not follow it. I.e., if you link file A to file B, then duplicate B leading to B2, A and B2 will not be linked. They are different resources with different URLs. Things would get out of control pretty fast if Hook linked duplicates. Aliases and symlinks are similar that way.