In the latest version of obsidian, the hookmark link is broken

In the latest version of obsidian, the hookmark link is broken

This problem occurs when I press com+h, not when I click on the link

Sorry about this issue.

It looks to me it is a permission issue. Hookmark needs your permission to get Obsidian URL using hook://x-callback-url/setCurrrentNode. Could you please give the permission to it and see if it resolves the problem? You can check on “Always open hook:…” checkbox so you don’t need set this every time you open Hookmark window.

Thank you

I have granted it before, and it works well. It is the problem in the recent new version. I hope you can give me effective suggestions

Perhaps Obsidian requires the permission for each new release. I will pay attention to that next time when I update Obsidian.

Or do you mean even you tiched on “Always open hook…” checkbox, it still asks you every time when you open Hookmark window?

Thank you