I am aware that Hook can use a menubar dropdown drop target. However, it is worth mentioning that there is really no good way to access this feature without seeing if first as a menubar icon. In the Hook preferences there is a shortcut key combination which may be set by the user to bring up the main Hook window. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut keystroke currently offered to similarly open the menubar icon triggered drop target.
Why does this matter you ask? On my Mac, I am using a 13” MacBook Pro. It does not have a very wide menubar. Icons for applications that offer them can disappear and not be available at all. This is also dependent on the app I am using as some apps menus take up more file menu real estate than others do.
I also use a 24” vertically rotated monitor. It too has a relatively narrow top menubar area. When I use a 24” non-rotated monitor (horizontal), I usually have enough space to see any app specific menubar icon such as the one Hook uses. Since I don’t have this, I have no access to the Hook icon triggered drop down drop zone. If there was a key shortcut to open the drop zone, that would be a good thing.