I have a Masters degree and over 25 years of experience in IT and I’m really embarrassed that I cannot figure out how to use your application.
Maybe I am just slowing down.
I create a lot of alias files and put them in a folder so that I can quickly access the information that I need but I really like the idea of being able to hook to a specific location in a video or PDF.
I just can’t make it work. I know that it should just not be this hard.
What type of Link just has the item name and not the hook://filexxxx stuff after it.
I will go back to watch some of the videos but my suggestion is that you include step-by-step screenshots of the actions necessary to create hooks and manage those links on your website.
For Example, When you specify click on the title bar maybe you could have an arrow showing which title bar.
How do I get a link that is just the hame of the file or url without the Hook:// showing up.
When you hit CMD N in Chrome it just creates a new Chrome Browser Window.
New Menu entry - Where??
Title Bar of Hook or app hooking to
When I hit CMD N on the window in back I just get the new Chrome window in front
What video app are you using? Currently Hookmark supports deep linking in a QuickTime Player.
For PDFs deep linking, Hookmark supports deep linking in Skim, Adobe Acrobat reader and Nitro PDF. For Adobe reader, the deep linking only works for annotation. For other pdf apps, you just select some text in the PDF document, bring up Hookmark window, then you can do copy link or link to other documents.
For file path, you can get it in Finder
Control-click or right-click on the file in Finder.
Press the Option (Alt) key.
Choose ‘Copy [filename] as Pathname’ where [filename] is the name of your file.
Paste the path wherever you need it.
You can also get it in Hookmark. Press option buttion, you can copy file URL.
You’re not alone among power users who find the app lacking in usability.
It’s not enough that an app can be made to do what it claims. It has to be able to do so with a minimal claim on the user’s attention. It can do so either through a well designed UI, excellent documentation, a roll-your-own API or a combination. Videos are no substitute. Having to watch a 5 minute video to figure out how to do a core task again is inferior to little yellow stickies.
We’re rapidly progressing toward personal LLMs that will take everything in our personal namespace (disk, cloud, web), scarf it up as context and keep track of the linkages for us. Applications like this will at most need to provide minimal facilities for contributing metadata.
Because some users mentioned they are not sure where is the title bar or action menu, I thought this picture might be helpful. I was thinking of writing “how to link to new…” with screenshots after this post. Do you think that will be helpful?
The answer to the original post is here:
Sorry about this confusion. We definitely want to give all the answers we know.
I think you mean the link was the same. (A hook is a bidirectional link that shows up in the context window).
When I look at para 1 and 2, I don’t see any page (p=<n>) parameter in the hook:// links; i.e., the page number is missing;the link is merely to the entire PDF. Are you sure you selected text before doing Copy Link in Hookmark’s context window in the context of a PDF open in Nitro PDF?
Do you mean a link that is pasted in a rich text editor (textedit, Word etc)? That’s how it always works when pasting in rich text editors. If you paste in a plain text editor, you’ll get the URL.