How to use the New... Agenda item


New to Hook here. I’ve added the Agenda script to the new “item script” for Agenda.

So when I invoke Hook on an item and then do a ⌘N, I get a new empty Agenda item within “Hook notes” project in Agenda. But no link back to the original item I invoked Hook on. If I do a ⌘C with the Agenda item open, I then get the return link entered as text. Is this this way it’s supposed to work? I’m in Hook 1.5.1 and Agenda 9.3.1

thanks, Chris

Do you mean via Hook’s Scripts tab, or via its Notes tab? Hook does not contain a Link to New script for Agenda. Could you share it so we can look at it?


I pasted the script from

to the Hooks scripts tab, and changed the “N” command in the popup to Agenda app (notes tab)


I pasted the script from

to the Hooks scripts tab


oh right. We don’t have a built-in Link to New for Agenda because Agenda lacks an API to create an item. And to create one with UI scripting, one needs to know the project. There’s not a default project for unassigned notes, and there isn’t a project we can assume users will have. Hence we shared a script that users can adapt based on their Agenda projects.