I’ve just started using Hooks - and would like to have a go at creating an integration applescript for the app Snippets Lab.
Hooks does not ‘find’ an obvious method to link to a note within Snippets Lab app - however the app does actually have a method to link to a specific note.
The format of the link URL is this: snippetslab://snippet/F5C63DFC-57AD-4447-97BB-39F994DEA2EE/
Sorry if I’ve missed a guide to writing applescripts - but if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.
The trick is to simulate from a Hook script (or something like Keyboard Maestro):
either the SnippetsLab > Editor > Copy Snippet menu choice
or the corresponding ⇧⌘C keystroke.
And then probably allow a slight pause, for the clipboard to digest the results.
( You will see similar routes in some of the Hook > Preferences > Scripts entries for other apps. For example, the Quiver entry is:
set the clipboard to ""
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Quiver"
click menu item "Copy Note Link" of menu "Note" of menu bar 1
end tell
delay 0.1
get the clipboard as «class utf8»
@RobTrew Thanks for your input and sample Quiver script. Looks straight forward.
Yeah - I noticed the Copy Snippet Link is only accessible with a right click… bit annoying.
I’ll contact the author and see if I can get them to make it a menu item.
I use Quiver too, but I’ve got too many snippets in Snippets Lab to deal with.
When contacting them, please consider asking them to add the necessary scraping support — even very basic scripting makes an app a lot more powerful when used with other apps.