Given that many of our users are in the software industry, I thought I should mention a use case of Hook customer support.
This morning we received an issue report (about a script update not happening). I logged an internal issue regarding the report. Then we received a PIM extending the report. Our issue tracking system has URL fields, which allows me to share URLs, and I do use them; but using Hook is faster. So I used Hook to hook the internal issue report (URL) to the public discourse forum update (another URL) and to the PIM (another URL). That enables me to navigate around these web pages very quickly.
I also created a private cloud-shared folder for the issue and hooked the report to the folder.
I could also put .hook files in any cloud shared folder pertaining to customer reports to share links to emails, http URLs etc.
There’s more info about this topic here: Track Issues More Productively – Hook.