Hooking Apple Mail inserting email addresses in Hookmark title

I noticed just this week that when I try to grab a link to an email, Hookmark now is adding the from email address and to email address in the Hook title. The problem with this is when I copy and paste as markdown it is not using the hook link and instead using the two emails. Was this change intentional? If so how do I go back to where it would use just the email subject as the Hook title? Or maybe Apple Mail changed something, I don’t see anywhere in the Hook script where it would be grabbing the emails specifically. :thinking:

[Subject of email <from@email.com> to to@email.com](hook://email/......)

This was changed recently per Hookmark integration v. 245 Updates Apple Mail app; Curio integration; and Ventura System Settings app - Releases - Hookmark Forum. However, it should past fine in emails.

In Mail integration script, at the top, Pro users can change this line:

set longFormName to true


'set longFormName to false

that will revert to old style.

In what app are you having problems?

That did the trick. Thanks @LucB! I guess I missed that update. I like the idea of this longer name, maybe I can tweak the scrip to work better for my workflow. for now setting longFormName to false works.

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