Hook version 1.2.1 (2705) is now available

Hook version 1.2.1 (build 2705) is now available.


  • Fixed a problem that would prevent users from making the Hook window smaller than current text displayed in status bar.
  • Fixed a problem whereby the label displayed in the title bar shifted.
  • “Reveal file in Finder” is now disabled in context of web browsers.

Updated Integration scripts


In version 1.2 and in this version too, if the title of the Hook context is not displayed entirely (because it does not fit), if you hover the cursor over the titlebar and wait a bit, the full title will be displayed. Normally, you will not need to do this because you will know the context on which Hook is working. But in some situations (e.g., multiple monitors, many windows open), it may come in handy.


Thank you to everyone who contributed integrations and/or reported issues through Hook Forum or other channels.