Hook version 1.1 (2581) is now available

We’re pleased to announce that Hook Version 1.1 (build 2581) (2019-07-21) is now available for download via Hook’s download page and Hook’s in app update mechanism. This is the first update since Hook exited public beta a couple of weeks ago.


  • There’s a new Quick Overview (“welcome board”). It appears on first launch. To make it appear afterwards, select Quick Overview in the Help section of the Gear menu (or select check the “Show window in the future” checkbox.). Please let us know what you think on the Hook productivity forum — we are planning updates to it. Many thanks to Brett Terpstra for the code on which this welcome board is based.
  • Preference window now remains open even after you re-invoke Hook, until you close the Preference window yourself. The new Quick Overview window behaves accordingly.
  • At the bottom of the Scripts pane of the Preferences window there is now better reporting of the version of the integrations scripts. (They connect Hook to the apps to/from which Hook links).

New integrations

  • nvUltra (Note-taking app by Brett Terpstra and Fletcher Penney which is currently in private beta. It is the successor to the popular nvALT app. “nvUltra - All your notes, searchable, portable”.) Integration does not yet include “Link to New” from other apps to nvUltra. After nvUltra exits private beta, we will blog about it on the Hook productivity blog.
  • Quiver (note-taking app for developers).
  • Setapp version of Forklift.

We recommend you enable Hook’s automatic update feature. Without requiring a relaunch of Hook, Hook then automatically updates integration scripts that you have not locally overridden. This makes Hook work even better and with more apps.


  • Fixed “Link to New” > Drafts “URL Error/Draft not found for UUID” and a crash associated with the same command.
  • Fixed some exceptions and crashes
  • Further optimizations


Thank you to everyone who contributed integrations and/or reported issues through Hook Forum or other channels!

And thanks to Brett Terpstra for the code on which Hook’s welcome board is based.

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