Hook stopped working with Microsoft Edge

MS Edge 101.0.1210.53, Hook 3.5 (4736)
After attempting Shift + Cmd + Space, I am receiving “No linkable item found”,
I observed this after update to 3.6 beta, I downgraded to 3.5 but I still experience this behaviour

I use Edge regularly (amongst other browsers). I’m using Edge Version 101.0.1210.53 (Official build) (arm64), and it works fine.

My bet is that some software is capturing that keyboard shortcut on your Mac. Have you changed some config in Keyboard Maestro or System Prefs or Hook Preferences? or something else? Could you please try invoking Hook using menu bar icon’s Show Hook contextual window. You could also try the ⌃H shortcut if it’s setup in Hooks shortcuts preferences. Keep in mind some apps map ⌃H to a delete function.

Hook with other apps (Safari, Obsidian, Finder) is working ok, Ctr+H gives me the same results;

Maybe indeed this has something to do with my mac settings, probably this doesnt help to debug this behaviour - the same day hours before I had a situation where opening one of favourited bookmarks in edge resulted in opening empty edge window in parallels (Windows 11 WM); This behaviour ceased after restarting the browser;

Case solved, everything is working after the restart of whole system :slight_smile:

But the riddle what was causing the problem with Edge is puzzling for me :slight_smile:

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