Hook + Logseq = ❤️

Yes, this problem can be temporarily solved by restarting Hookmark. It seems that logseq is needed to solve this troublesome problem. :sob:

In other words, Hookmark must get the block title and block-id at the same time by “copy-embed” (just like below), right?

Anyway, thank you very much for your answers and help! I also hope that Hookmark will get better and better, and I will continue to support it!

Hookmark only uses the following to get block id. However, for some reason, it sometimes return the block title.

To get block title, Hookmark use command+A (select all block text) and command+c(copy the selected text) to get the block title.

Our forum user XYZ contributed the script.

Thank you very much for your support! This means a lot to us!

Thank you

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:heart: :heart: Have a nice weekend!