Hook links all pages of domain to same resources

Each client at my firm has a project in our project management system (Filevine), and one in our document management system (Netdocuments), both of which are browser-based tools. I was attempting to use Hook to link each client’s case in both systems. Things work fine on the Netdocuments end, but, as best I can tell, Hook is considering every client page in Filevine to be the same page. Regardless of where I navigate in Filevine, I am shown the same links (is hooks the proper term?) when I invoke Hook.

So, for example, all these pages, which are different clients, show me the same links/hooks in Hook:


I’ve tested this in both Safari and Chrome.

Thanks for any help.

Yes, the # symbol typically indicates a URL fragment on the same resource (so Hook treats all URLs with the same protocol, domain and path up to the # symbol as equal for the purpose of hooking URLs together).

We will address that domain (filevine.com) in the next release , and we are discussing making URL treatment of particular websites configurable by the user. To minimize the need for configuration, we might also provide some general rules —e.g., if following # there is a / the URL text is not a fragment. That is something we are discussing internally and regarding which we are open to input.

Conversely, often ? introduces URL information that Hook should treat as irrelevant for the purposes of matching for Hook window (same as its default # treatment), and in some cases does.

Thank you for the explanation, and for the efforts to address Filevine. I’m very impressed with and excited about Hook.

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the latest version of Hook’s integration scripts, v. 129, which you can get by calling its software update function, addresses these sites. If it doesn’t work, would you please let us know?

I’ve tried it on a few different Filevine project URLs, and it seems to be working perfectly. Thank you!

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