Hook Integration scripts for french language Support in Forklift

I just installed Hookmark but as I couldn’t live without Forklift, my first move was to try Hookmark with it. Alas, no integration with Forklift in french language.
This post helped me to make it work :pray:

Get Name
tell application "System Events"
    tell process "ForkLift"
        set the clipboard to ""
        delay 0.3
        click menu item "Copier le chemin vers le presse-papiers" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Fichier" of menu bar 1
        delay 0.3
        set fileName to name of (info for (the clipboard))
    end tell
    end tell


Get Address
tell application "System Events"
    tell process "ForkLift"
        set the clipboard to ""
        delay 0.3
        click menu item "Copier le chemin vers le presse-papiers" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Fichier" of menu bar 1
        delay 0.3
        set theURL to "file://" & (the clipboard)
    end tell
    end tell


Bienvenue au forum Hookmark, @paschacroute. And thanks for sharing! We plan to internationalize the apps in many of the most commonly used languages, which includes French (which I also speak, si on peut appeller le québecois un dialecte français :wink:).

Some of our integrations use a framework for internationalizing integration without the need to mention the particular translations.

The solution to edit the menu name in the script work well for me. :wink:

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