Hook and SharePoint?

Hook’s great for Word documents on my desktop, but it seems to run astray with Word documents in SharePoint. When I copy the link while editing the document it appears to work, but the resulting link gives me this error (details slightly edited for confidentiality):

The file “//livelancsac.sharepoint.com/sites/Grp-InterestingDiscussion80/Shared Documents/General/Topic Areas/Charles Weir/Charles.docx” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file

Looking at the link, I see it is:
file:///https/::livelancsac.sharepoint.com:sites:Grp-InterestingDiscussion80:Shared Documents:General:Topic Areas:Charles Weir:Charles.docx

Is there a way to make SharePoint documents link correctly?

  • Charles

Sorry for the delay, Charles. And thanks for letting us know. We’ll start by investigating this with the Office 365 version of SharePoint.