Hook 3.7.1 is now available: More menu-bar badge enhancements

Hook version 3.7.1 (4869) is now available for download from its release notes page and as an in-app update.

  • We have dealt with an issue of compatibility with PDF Expert. Integration scripts for PDF Expert are still not in Hook, but on the forum, due to PDF Expert lacking link automation. We’ve ensured that Hook’s menu bar icon badge does not interact with PDF Expert because PDF Expert is not a URL-friendly app. This change was also previously delivered via an integration-script update.
  • This build also reverts the default of Show current item's number of hooks in menu bar icon to unchecked (for new installations).
  • When Hook cannot determine the number of hooks associated with the foreground item, the menu bar icon badge is now blue rather than purple. (Some customers found purple to be distracting.)
  • We’ve tweaked the Shortcuts preferences tab.

FYI: an upcoming release of Hook will support automation with Apple Shortcuts automation :blush:.

Eligibility for updates

Hook software updates are free to any Hook CogSci Apps customer with a Hook Updates license that was valid at the time the update was released. Hook Pro and Hook Essentials each come with one year of free access to software updates.

If your Hook Updates license has expired and you apply this update, please note that Hook will revert to Lite mode until you purchase and apply an Updates license. However, you can also revert to a previous version of Hook that was released during your Updates License period. Upgrading from Essentials to Pro includes an additional 12-month Updates license.

Next steps

So please

and enjoy :blush: .